Easily create your emailing campaigns
From our email builder

Discover our library of free templates
Accessible from our platform, find a wide choice of ready-to-use emailing templates, depending on your sector of activity (industry, trade, food industry, etc.) or your events (birthday, Halloween, end-of-year celebrations, welcome alert …).

Call on our graphic studio
Do you want a tailor-made creation ? No worries! Creative, responsive and inspired, our graphic designer will be happy to work on your projects. From the creation of banners to personalized templates, including pictograms, logos or layout of your news, she accompanies you from A to Z on your graphic production.

Support for responsive creations
Your creation is already ready but the display is not optimal? Our integration team is there to help you and convert it to html format, for smooth playback across all webmail and all devices, computers, smartphones and tablets.